Let love's redeeming work continue!

I don't mean by the blog that Anglicanism is all bad by the way - far from it!

I see the Anglican Church as continuing love's redeeming work, to quote a book title.

Let Love's Redeeming Work continue!

Charles the Third? One was enough!

Charles the Third - One was Enough!

The English people abolished the English Monarchy in 1649.

Anglicanism gives succour to Monarchy all over the world!

Hereditary monarchy or any form of monarchy is highly outdated.

This is the current reality and has been for some time in global political terms.

"Currently there are 44 nations in the world with a monarch as head of state." 

Points that people forget are --

- Any form of monarchy makes a secular state and religious liberty more difficult.

- Anglicanism in its present form can only give succour to Monarchy and hence in itself mars secularism and religious liberty in any state of the World.

- Anglicanism could be said to be a non-democratic and anti-democratic force; whereas Christianity should not really be a anti-democratic religion!

Also, it must be said that Papism is also a very old form of Monarchy in a religious context.

By the way, I do not regard "Papism" as an inadmissable term of hatespeech.
Far from it. If one thinks about it - it is a very tolerable term to refer specifically to Roman Catholicism.

"PAPA" - simply meaning "Father" -  was in origin a nickname for the Bishop of Rome which evolved into the name of a religious leader that simply was given too much power.

Anglicanism was helped to be made possible by Papism. They are both, strictly speaking, idolatries.

The fact that there was a powerful head of the church at all - allowed for it to simply be replaced by the English Monarch!

Now, what would we do instead of Monarch or Pope? Well, this is clearly something we need to discuss. But, in my opinion, Monarch as head is unacceptable.

Perhaps Christianity needs a figurehead.
But not a Monarch - since Christianity is not a country or a State!

Perhaps this could be something like the Papacy. But the Pope should not be the religion!

But given the "Errors of Romanism" - so many of which stand uncorrected - if it were to be the Pope, this would obviously take time.

There is only one Papacy - the Roman one. One is bad enough and it would be immoral to contemplate others. But that is what Papism could involve, if applied logically.

By the way - this is not relevant to anything really but - the full form of Papism is, historically speaking, German in origin; and Anglicanism is obviously very much, historically speaking, English in origin.

Historically Speaking.....

Some historical observations.

By accident mainly, and wrongly, in Ireland, Republicanism is linked to Roman Catholicism
(the Pope is a kind of Monarch of course) and ALSO - the FIRST Irish Republicans were Protestants;
and - now in Ireland, also by accident and wrongly, Protestantism is now strongly linked to loyalty to the Monarch.

[The Irish Roman Catholic fascists of the 1930s - the "Blueshirts" - were Monarchists].

In England, it is the other way around.
In England, Monarchism is linked to Roman or Anglo- Catholicism;
and Protestant Presbyterianism was once strongly linked to English Republicanism.
("the good old cause" as it was once known here in England).

In my opinion, true Christianity is best represented in all of this by Presbyterianism and Republicanism!
This would be "a priesthood of all believers" and secular, tolerant "commonwealth of equals".
a secular Republic!


Tony Benn (R.I.P.) was an expert on this kind of thing!


"Remember!" -
was the last word of Charles I before a strong axe blade hit his neck one cold January morning in 1649, and he drew his last breath in this world. After 20 years of tyranny and seven years of war!

Soon afterwards England became one of the first European countries to abolish its monarchy and become a Republic.

Anglicanism - always effectively a version of Catholicism - was a factor in this man's extreme belief in the so-called "Divine Right of Kings" - hardly a New Testament theme!

England should remember this episode in its history - the English Revolution - with some pride!
And as a great achievement!

It is "written out" of our national consciousness!

Cleverly one reason we aren't supposed to mention it, is the suppression of Ireland with which it is linked!
I feel this is too much of a coincidence and too convenient for those who still seem to wish to oppress us all - including the Monarchical government that still rules us!

For the Queen still rules us all. And would rule more - since Anglicanism seeks converts!
We are still her subjects and Anglicanism still holds her to have a Divine Right to maintain us as such!


The Suppression of a Crime Against England

The suppression of a crime against England.

Diarmaid Mccullouch's nearly unreadable 800-page splodge of a book "Reformation" - supposedly a "masterpiece" - says next to nothing about Thomas More. And what it does say is insulting.

Diarmaid also slighted Thomas More in a recent radio discussion of More's close friend Erasmus of Rotterdam. The close friendship between the two thinkers was hardly mentioned.

Nor does this book point out the very simple and very obvious fact that the "Church of England" - to this day - is neither truly Catholic nor truly Protestant. Henry VIII saw himself as a Catholic till his last breath.

It is not an exaggeration to say that terrible crimes were committed in England in the 1500s - a crime that is still being lied about to this day.


"The destruction of the English monasteries by Henry VIII was one of the greatest events of the sixteenth century."

"The monasteries were looked upon in England, at the time of Henry's breach with Rome as one of the great bulwarks of the papal system. The monks had been called "the great standing army of Rome.""

"...thousands of abbots, monks and nuns were dispossessed, tortured, disembowelled and put to death..."

Source: "The English Monasteries", Baskerville.


"[London is] disfigured by the ruins of a multitude of churches and monasteries."

Venetian Ambassador to London, England, 1551.


People involved in the suppression of monasteries at Exeter were physically attacked by the locals.

Barking Abbey - for example - had existed in some form since the 7th century. It seems that it was annihilated in the space of a couple of years by an English king.

It seems we are not entirely sure what happened to larger abbeys like Barking and Glastonbury. An interesting speculation is whether gunpowder - a recent import from China - was used in any way.

Essex - for example - was once "teeming with monasteries."


The suppression of the historical truth about this crime carries on. There was terrible persecution and murder of English Roman Catholics - and it continued for centuries. It needs to be more recognized.
For example, the 18th century English poet Alexander Pope faced great restrictions in life as an English Roman Catholic.


If Protestantism of any kind means anything it means (more) freedom.
Life and liberty was denied to English Catholics for centuries.
The English "constitution" is - to this day - with regard to this question totally immoral.

For example - the 1689 English Bill of Rights - one of the oldest in the world - gives
"the right to bear arms" to "Protestants only"! ["from my cold dead Protestant hand!" ]

The Monarch is not allowed to be of any religion other than Anglican - of course!
Nor are members of the Royal Family. This compromises religious liberty.


An obvious solution!

An obvious solution!

Is to make the Archbishop of Canterbury the FULL and ONLY HEAD of the Anglican Communion in place of The Queen (even though they are a great pop band) :D